Welcome to the recyclers
The Recyclers is small but personal company that focuses on the recycling of glass, cans, plastic, paper and ewaste. The Recyclers was established by a family of the Elarduspark community dedicating their hours to serving to community and striving to keep earth green.
Our clientele includes schools, restaurants, pubs, conference and wedding venues, office parks and shopping centres but we strive to expand by giving back and doing our part to conserve Mother Nature and serve the communities .
Interesting facts
- Glass recycling helps the environment. The amount of energy needed to melt recycled glass is considerably less than that needed to melt raw materials to make new bottles and jars. Recycling one bottle can save enough energy to power a television set for one and a half hours.
- 1 Ton of paper save 26 498 liters of water and three cubic meters of landfill space is freed up by recycling one ton of paper.
- It can take up to 80 years for a steel can to decompose, while it can take an aluminium can between 200 to 500 years to decompose.
- When recycled, plastic bottles are turned into many new and useful products, like fibre-fill for duvets and pillows, trays for fruit, geotex-tiles, and even brand new bottles.
Objectives of Recycling:
- Create awareness about recycling in communities.
- To educate communities about the importance of recycling.
- To encourage communities to protect their environment.
- Communities are able to use their knowledge to influence behavioral change within their community and family environment.
- Daily, weekly collections of recycling material.
- Regular collection requirements.
- Once-off collection requirements, archive clear-outs etc.
- Office park recycling management.
- Shopping centre recycling management.
- Gated communities collections.
- Community recycling.
- Schools recycling.
- Functions venues collections.
- Event clean-up.
Recyclable products
Clear / blue plastic bottles
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
Code 1
Code 1
Mixed plastic bottles brown green
Polyethylene Terephthalate
(PET Mix)
Code 1
(PET Mix)
Code 1
Plastic milk bottles, Handy Andy
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Code 2
Code 2
Plastic bags, Bread bags, Low density bottles
Low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
Code 4
Code 4
White office Paper
Heavy Letter 1 (HL1)
Code 22
Code 22
Coloured Paper
Heavy Letter 2 (HL2)
Code 22
Code 22
News Paper
Flat News (FN)
Code 22
Code 22
Magazines (SBM)
Code 22
Code 22
Food and beverage glass only
Grade GL
Grade GL
Aluminium & metal food and beverage cans
Grade UBC
Grade UBC
COntact us
Get In Touch
Vernon Jevon — 082 448 8161
The Recyclers (PTY) Ltd 2017/328765/07
PO Box 11299, Die Hoewes, Gauteng 0163